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Tantric Therapy Page for Eve Peaks ~ 07504 772 369

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To my personal website:

I have 15 years experience as a a qualified relationship
counsellor and N.L.P Master.

I am British, a graduate with a publishing background.
My heritage is Dominican-Irish.

I provide many sensual tantric, spa and grooming therapies.
My therapies are usually performed naturist style.

Tantric massage is believed to increase
intimacy and orgasm.

As tantrics are taught about male and female
human anatomy they are experts at lingam (penis)
and yoni (vagina) manipulation.

The lingam and yoni are respectfully viewed and honoured.
Tantra is not a sexual service, but is an intimate one.

Tantric philosopy evolved in the East 6,000 years
ago in India, China and Japan.

Tantric followers see lovemaking as a gift to god.
So there is no repression or guilt attached to sensuality. need not be a tantric follower to benefit
from it's theraputic effects.

Sensual Tantric Massages
Tantric massage ~ 30 minutes ~ £100
Tantric massage ~ 60 minutes ~ £180

Eve Peaks Tantric Therapist
Liverpool Street

Eve Peaks Locations, London, Liverpool Street and Holborn
Liverpool Street Holborn

Journey Planner
Click to plan your trip

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